What strategies do I recommend for using LinkedIn to connect with others? Here are three ways that can really help you out.

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How can you quickly position yourself as a trusted advisor when meeting someone new?

Here are 3 strategies you can use to immediately be seen as a credible, potentially invaluable resource:

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How does being "crazy busy" impact selling? It affects your prospects in a huge way.

First of all, your prospects put up barriers to access. They're protecting their time at all costs so it's much harder to set up an initial meetings. But it goes beyond that.

Your prospect today can't handle much complexity, so you can easily throw them into overwhelm by giving them too much information at one time. If it's hard for them to decipher the business value of your product or service, they'll just forget about it.

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As I write this, I’m flying home (via Delta) from a speaking engagement in Orlando. I fly a lot; it’s part of my business.

When the flight attendants give their safety overview, I never pay attention. I could practically do it by heart myself. Same for the video that cover these details. Boring.

So why am I glued to the screen today paying rapt attention?

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It happened again last week. I was speaking at a sales kickoff meeting, stressing a key message—that sellers, not their products or services, are the key differentiator today. I said,

"Be an idea person. Today’s crazy-busy prospects love it when you bring them ideas on how to improve their business."

That’s when the hand popped up. It always does. In a group of salespeople, there’s always someone who’s brave enough to ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind.

"How can you bring them ideas when you’ve never met before and have no clue if they’d work?"

Sounds legitimate, right?

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Recently I was approached by a salesperson who was facing a tough challenge. When he gets his targeted buyers on the line he frequently has to deal with these sales objections: 

  • "We recognize your proven credentials but aren't taking on any new suppliers." 
  • "Great stuff, but we're already getting this from another vendor." 

He wanted to know how he could break through these sales barriers. Here are the two suggestions I gave him: 

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If you’re like me, you dread talking about certain things with your prospects because they’ve always caused you problems. But, deep inside you know that it's just a matter of time before you get asked about it – and then you’ll stumble through a lame response that makes you sound like a total loser.

So what should you do in these situations?

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I’m sure your answer is a resounding “no.” But in reality, it’s not what you think that counts. Only your prospect’s perceptions matter—and they can be very different from what you’d imagine.

Why? Because they’re extremely busy. Every time they talk with you, read your emails or meet with you, they’re asking, questions like:

  • “Is this person a credible resource?
  • “Does he/she bring a depth of expertise?
  • “Is this worth my time to continue the conversation?”

So let’s take a look at one scenario to see how your best intentions might be totally misinterpreted.

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If you really want to capture your prospect’s attention, you need a sales message that piques their curiosity and gets them to sit up and take notice. And, if you’re selling to a senior executive today, you’ve only got 30 seconds to make that happen – or you’re dismissed as not worth talking to.

But what are those attention grabbers? The best ones are industry or marketplace statistics that are relevant to your prospect – and related to what you sell.

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According to Joanne Black, author of Pick Up the Damn Phone, too many sellers are hiding behind their computers, expecting to get business. After hearing that bold statement, I knew I needed to share her thinking with you. Check out my interview below.

(Note: Click here to download two free chapters of this excellent new book.)

JILL: Wow. Pick Up the Damn Phone: How People, Not Technology Seal the Deal is quite a book title. Sounds like it's a pet peeve of yours. Do you have something against technology?

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