The Mental Game of Sales
If you're struggling in these challenging times, check out this video interview I did last week with Steve Richard, Founder of ExecVision.
If you're struggling in these challenging times, check out this video interview I did last week with Steve Richard, Founder of ExecVision.
I trudged into the coffee shop, ordered a large mocha and sat down in the corner. I was dripping professional discouragement. It's been five months since I published my weekly newsletter—something I've done religiously for over a decade.
When Todd called me, he was worried. His company was growing. Over the past few years, they'd steadily acquired their toughest competitors.
They were now the dominant player in a fragmented market, setting the benchmark against which all other vendors are compared.
So what could possibly be going wrong? It turns out, a lot!
It was my last day at the Sundance Film Festival. After waiting for way too long, Shari Levitin and I finally entered the virtual reality experience that people were raving about.
How do you get a targeted account if all your previous attempts have failed? If you want to catch a big fish, perhaps the sports fishermen of New Zealand can give you some ideas. After all, they face a very difficult, if not insurmountable, challenge that would stop most fisherman entirely.
I never wanted to be in sales. I only entered the profession because I had an idea for a business. When I shared it with a consultant , he said it was a good plan and timely.
For the past couple years, I've been reading a lot of books about neuroscience, psychology and coginitive thinking. Why? Because I think we've reached a point where the environment we live in and the ways we work are getting in our way.
This real-life story shared below is adapted from Sales Insanity, a new book written by a fellow sales expert who has chosen to hide behind a Cannon Thomas pseudonym. Read on for a taste of this great new book.
Is it really possible to meet your goals working fewer hours? Even if you feel like it's virtually impossible to get everything done—despite working round the clock?
The answer is YES. It's time to kiss crazy busy good-bye!