I never wanted to be in sales. I only entered the profession because I had an idea for a business. When I shared it with a consultant , he said it was a good plan and timely.

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One person who always gets me thinking is Donal Daly. Last week I interviewed him about his new book, Digital Sales Transformation in a Customer First World.

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People are always shocked when I share this one statistic that I highlight in More Sales, Less Time. And they should be. 

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I'm not typically an eavesdropper. Normally I mind my own business when I'm out to eat. But Friday morning, while having a veggie omelet for breakfast at George's Restaurant, my ears suddenly perked up when the guy at the table next to me said, "I'm seriously slammed."

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Yesterday, Dianna Geairn (The Irreverent Sales Girl) and I were musing about some of our big sales wins. As we talked, we realized that our underlying assumptions—about prospects, our roles and factors that could hinder success—were crucial to our performance.

In very short order, we identified 17 sales assumptions and why making them helps you win more deals. Faster. With less competition.

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Thinking like a prospect changes everything. That was the impetus behind today's post which was written from a buyer's perspective. I hope you have fun reading it—and get the point!

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For the past couple years, I've been reading a lot of books about neuroscience, psychology and coginitive thinking. Why? Because I think we've reached a point where the environment we live in and the ways we work are getting in our way.

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After spending a day in DC learning about CEB's (now Gartner) latest sales research, I popped over to visit Steve Richard's office, which was just a few blocks away. He's the CEO of ExecVision.io, a new sales coaching app.

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Last Friday I was interviewed for an upcoming Salesforce documentary on The Story of Sales. Velanie, a make-up artist, had been hired to work her wonders on me before filming began. I felt like a movie star.

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What's the #1 thing you should be doing to drive more sales in today's crazy-busy world? It's something I've been thinking about a lot these days.

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