You know what your prospects are thinking — all the time? Every time you interact with them, they're evaluating you and asking themselves: "Is this a person (company) I want to work with on a long-term basis?"

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When you're dealing with today's crazy-busy prospects, it's a real coup to set up a meeting. Sometimes you've made eight, ten or even twenty contacts before you finally get to that point.

The last thing in the world you want to do is blow it. Yet time-and-time again, I see it happening. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.

How can that happen? Here are three sales-busting mistakes you must avoid to prevent serious opportunity leakage.

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When was the last time you made your crazy-busy prospects really stop and think?  If you’re just spouting self-serving sales talk, the answer is probably never. But if you’ve developed at least some level of expertise in your field and aren’t using it, you’re letting opportunities slip by.

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Crazy-busy prospects can't handle complexity.  They hate it when things are difficult to decode, decide or decipher. It grinds them to a screeching halt - which is the normal human reaction to being overwhelmed and stressed out.

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