Success Mindset, Winning Deals

[Video] A Surefire Way to Differentiate From Your Competitors

Your prospect is ready to make a change. They've seriously evaluated their options and narrowed it down to you and several of your toughest competitors. Follow this often overlooked, but highly effective strategy to differentiate your product/service and win the business.

VIDEO SCRIPT: How can you really stand out from your competitors?

The answer lies in knowing that every single time you're interacting with your prospects, they're asking themselves "Is this someone I'd want to work with -- not just now, but in the upcoming years?" 

Since that's a key decision point, you need to give them a sense of what it'll be like -- before you get their business. You have to drop your sales mentality and start working with your prospects as if they've already hired you. Let me give you a quickie example.

Usually when you're called in to do a presentation, you do your best job to wow your prospect into thinking how great you and your company are. That's usually what happens & it's really hard to stand out. But here's how I told one of my clients to do in this situation.

I said, "Your job is to go to the meeting and pretend they already gave you the contract. If that happened, what would you do next?"

They said, "We still have lots of unanswered questions. And, we think that there might be a better way to reach their objective."

Knowing that, I told my client that this is what they needed to say when they kicked off their presentation.

"Mr. Prospect, all the information you requested about our company is in this handout. I'll gladly answer any questions you might have about it.

"But what I'd really like to do today is focus more on your challenge and what it's going to take to resolve it. I have some questions that I believe may have an impact on achieving your desired outcome."

With that opening, he caught their undivided attention and they started working together. Working together. Not selling. Yes. He got the business -- and it was easy to do! A Surefire Way to Differentiate From Your Competitors

YOUR TURN: What strategies do you use to differentiate yourself from the competition?  Share your comments below!

After a successful career in the sales world, writing five books, and speaking internationally, Jill is now tackling an even bigger challenge. She's focused on bringing the "millions in the middle" together to solve some of the biggest issues facing our country and the world. Jill truly believes so much more is possible if we can work together.