Wild Card, Success Mindset

The #1 Key to Being a Sales Lion

Jill scratching lion cubSales Safari Series

We were sitting out on the deck at the game reserve, looking out over the grassland. Rumor had it that eleven hippos had passed by the day before. We would have been happy with one.

That's when I heard the rumbling. It sounded like a thunderstorm, but the sky was clear. Suddenly I realized there was a lion in the brush not too far away. Then it went quiet. Twenty minutes later, I heard the roar again. And once again about 15 minutes later.

The lion never appeared. Nor did any other animal. In fact, on our three days of safari, we never once saw the "king of beasts."

But despite the lion's absence, all the other animals were constantly alert for its every move. The herd animals kept together, enabling them to hide in the crowd and maximize their lion-sensing abilities. Even the other predators like the leopards, hyenas and jackals maintained their distance.

Jill on hill cubsClearly the lion stands apart and above the others - which offers an interesting sales lesson.

Lions represents presence. They command respect wherever they go -- and they've earned it. Every single one of us can be in that same position too. In fact, it's something that we need to all aspire to and work towards.

But what exactly is does it mean to "have presence" when you're selling?'

When you have presence, you have a deep understanding of your customer's business, needs, issues and challenges. You quietly use it to help them achieve their goals.

When you have presence, your customers know they can trust you. You've delivered on your promises. They can count on you.

When you have presence, you've established yourself as a credible resource. You ask good questions. You make them think.

When you have presence, you keep your fears at bay so you can stay focused on what needs to be done.

When you have presence, you have solid relationships with your customers and colleagues. They feel "enhanced" from being with you.

As I said earlier, presence is always earned. Only hard work, authenticity, integrity and commitment get you there, but the results are game-changing.

And that's the lesson of the lion.

After a successful career in the sales world, writing five books, and speaking internationally, Jill is now tackling an even bigger challenge. She's focused on bringing the "millions in the middle" together to solve some of the biggest issues facing our country and the world. Jill truly believes so much more is possible if we can work together.