Wild Card, Working Smarter

AGILE SELLING: Helping Salespeople Deal With Overwhelm

Order AGILE SELLING: http://www.jillkonrath.com/agile-sellingShortly after SNAP Selling came out, tons of salespeople said to me, “This is great info on selling to today’s crazy-busy prospects. But I’m frazzled too. How can you help me?”

Initially, I thought it was a time management problem. But, after pondering things for a while, I realized it was a bigger issue.

  • Too much was changing: products, buying cycles, the economy, technology, competitors.
  • Customers expected more. They wanted you to continually bring them ideas, insights and information to help them be more successful.
  • To stay at the top of your game, you needed to always be learning – but when? Your calendar is already full.

It was literally impossible to keep up at the same time you needed to meet your numbers.  

No wonder every seller I talked to was in overwhelm – and worried about making their quota. For those who’d just taken a new sales position, the challenge was even greater.

So … that’s why I wrote AGILE SELLING. It’s all about the mind-set, skills and habits you need to get up to speed quickly and rapidly adapt to changing conditions.

Because I believe so strongly that
you’ll get value from AGILE SELLING, 
I personally guarantee it.

Get your copy today. There’s literally no risk in doing so. If, after reading/listening to it, you think it wasn’t worth it, let me know and I’ll personally send you a check. Me, not Amazon or BN. I guarantee it’s worth your time.

After a successful career in the sales world, writing five books, and speaking internationally, Jill is now tackling an even bigger challenge. She's focused on bringing the "millions in the middle" together to solve some of the biggest issues facing our country and the world. Jill truly believes so much more is possible if we can work together.