One Simple Way to Instantly Have Better Sales Conversations

Most people don’t believe it when I tell them it’s super easy to increase their sales IQ. But first, let me tell you about some interesting data.

The Hidden IQ Killer

Harold Paschler is a University of California scientist who studies “dual-task interference.” That’s a fancy way of saying that he researches what happens when people try to do two things at the same time. 

In short, the results are devastating. Your brain is simply incapable of doing that. It furiously tries to jump back and forth between things, trying to remember and think concurrently. But instead of that happening, it pays less attention to each task. 

Paschler’s study showed that dual task interference can cause a person’s intellectual capacity to drop from that of a Harvard MBA to an 8-year old. 

Multitasking = Bad

As humans, we’re simply not equipped to multitask. We need to focus on just one thing at a time. 

Let’s take a common sales example: talking to a prospective customer. In fact, let’s say this could REALLY be a good opportunity for you. 

  • How much time do you spend prepping for the conversation? 10 minutes? More? Less?
  • Do you know how you’ll start out – what you’ll say in the first 5 minutes?
  • Do you write out the questions you want to ask – and the best sequence for them?
  • Have you thought about what you’d suggest as the logical next step?

If you’re like most salespeople, you haven’t done all this. You figure you’re pretty glib. And, besides, every prospect is different so you’re going to go with the flow.

Ouch! Big mistake. Now you’re caught in the “dual task interference” trap. 

It's a Trap!

You’re in a bit of a panicked mode, trying to think about what you’ll say or do next. Then, when your prospect is talking, you miss all sorts of invaluable information. 

That leads to muddled thinking. You have fewer relevant ideas or insights to share. Your strategies get lamer. You’re actually dumber. Now you’re thinking like an 8-year old instead of the smart person you are. 

Don’t do this to yourself.  Prep for these conversations ahead of time, so when you’re actually talking, you’re at full strength. 

Yes, it takes longer to do, but the results are so much better. I guarantee it! Multi-tasking

After a successful career in the sales world, writing five books, and speaking internationally, Jill is now tackling an even bigger challenge. She's focused on bringing the "millions in the middle" together to solve some of the biggest issues facing our country and the world. Jill truly believes so much more is possible if we can work together.